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There are some things we'd really like you to know.

Like why Uppercut Cab tastes like a $40 bottle of wine but you only have to pay $18.99 for it.

And why second-label wines like County Line Pinot Noir are both big hits and big business.

And what it is about Sasyr's Sangiovese-Syrah blend that makes it perfect for red-sauce meals.

And how a little wine from Piedmont, grown biodynamically, perfectly melds Old World character and New World winemaking.

And most of all we want you to know WHERE TO GO to buy each of these wines, and others that they recommend while we're at it.

Shawsheen Liquors and the Wine ConneXtion are our newest partner stores with their own Playlists on the RWB YouTube Channel.

Please check them out. The videos -- of these and other partner stores -- are available on YouTube, through the RWB app, and through our website under the STORES link.

Take your pick.

And then pick your wine.



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