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Big Names (Duboeuf, Harvard). Small Survey. Please Help.

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So here's how it happened.

A little while ago I attended a wine dinner for media types that was meant to showcase the Beaujolais Cru wines from Georges Duboeuf.

I was, to put it mildly, stunned. (The words "THIS is Duboeuf Beaujolais??" passed through my mind an embarrassingly high number of times.)

I was also seated in between the winemaker and Duboeuf's Export Manager. We got to talking -- about my reactions to the wines, about public perceptions of Duboeuf and Beaujolais in general.

The wheels started turning.

Skip ahead to today.

I have connected some dots, specifically between Duboeuf and a group I know called the Harvard Graduate Consulting Club, and they've been engaged for almost two months now in a very dynamic analysis of the US market and potential for Beaujolais Cru.

The group has put together a very simple survey on wine consumption, and I am asking you on their behalf to complete it.

It's completely anonymous. Completely straight-forward. It'll take you less than five minutes. And it would be a big help.

Here is the link. Please take a few minutes and fill it out. It's about preferences and behavior when it comes to wine. That's it!

Thank you very much!!


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