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Drink Wine. For a Good Cause. Tomorrow at Noir.

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Yes, we did run out of RSVPs for the wine tasting-charity event tomorrow night at Noir Bar.

No worries. They let us add more spots and there are still a few left.

Yes, tomorrow's event is technically the April meeting of the Red White Tasting Crew.

No, we've never done anything like this before. Guests, for example, will choose their own wines for the night from Noir's cash bar which, I'd like to point out, will include nearly as many sparkling wines as there are reds and whites. Personally, I'm starting sparkling then moving on to the Chenin Blanc from Stellenbosch, the Pinot Noir from the Yarra Valley, and the Merlot from the Columbia Valley. But that's just me.

Yes, Cellar Angels bless their hearts did donate a case of wine to the event.

No, we won't be opening any of the bottles ourselves. 

Because that's where your opportunity to help the Red Cross comes in. Donations for the wines will go directly to the Red Cross Pacific Tsunami Relief Fund.

That's the twist this time around.

We hope you'll join us to raise a glass or two for a good cause.


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