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Wine in Boston: Participate! Here's How.


Get in the mix.


Throw your hat in the ring.

Whatever you want to call it, there are plenty of ways to PARTICIPATE in Boston's wine community.

Here are four to get you started.

  1. We've got a new link off our homepage that's called FORUMS. Each week we're posting a new topic meant to get you thinking and responding. What's the most perfect food-wine pairing you've ever had? What wines say SPRING to you like no other? What's your "house wine," or what would you like it to be? Sign in to FORUMS using any of your usual tools -- Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  2. We've given our Facebook page a facelift. Please join the Red White Boston Group page. The Forum questions are there, so is info about our events, and so is an ever-growing network of friends and enthusiasts.
  3. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. On it you'll find Playlists of partner store videos describing the wines they feature in our iPhone app. It's a treasure trove of what to drink and why!
  4. Join the Boston Wine Meetup group. It's one way to learn about events and tastings and dinners all over town. With more than 1000 members, there's a healthy mix of like-minded people at any one event.

Each of these options brings something to the table.

They're social.

They're interesting.

They're fun, and sometimes challenging.

You know. Kind of like wine.

See you around!

P.S. If you don't already, please follow RWB on Twitter and drop us a line to sign up for our daily emails. Thank you!


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