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Red White Tasting Crew, Revised for Good Reason!

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So here's how it happened.

(More or less.)

It was time for me to plan the next Red White Tasting Crew, and I was following some leads on venues and sponsors.

Along come a few new friends of mine, who say they'd like to do a wine tasting and they'd like the proceeds from the wine tasting to benefit the Red Cross' efforts in Japan.

"Great!" I say.

"Do you know of any venues or sponsors who can help us out?" they say.

"Er..." I say.

I do what any reasonable person would do in such a situation.

I ask Twitter.

And Twitter responds! In the form of @mccellarangel out of Chicago, that is, who says that helping raise funds for charitable purposes is in fact their mission in life and yes, they'd be glad to donate some wine.

"Great!" I say.

It was that same lovely serendipity that put me on the same path as the folks at the Charles Hotel who also made the very generous contribution of space at Noir and food to go along with the tasting.

"Wow!" I say.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Actually, the rest is an unexpected twist on April's Red White Tasting Crew, because now it's also a fundraiser for the Red Cross in Japan (which we've never done before), it's a cash bar for wine and beverages (which we've never done before), and it's the chance to step up and purchase one of Cellar Angels' bottles of wine with the proceeds to go to the Red Cross (which we've definitely never done before).

Please join us.

Wednesday, April 6 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

RSVP through EventBrite here.



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