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Best Wines in Boston? They're Right Here, on Video.

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Hopefully you know by now that the Red White Boston smartphone app can lead you to the front door of some 30+ partner stores all over Boston.

And hopefully you also know that those partner stores are making recommendations just for us of five or so wines that they think are super special. That means you can make a beeline from their front door right to a choice bottle or two, and you're done.

But did you also know that you can browse the app by wine?

It's a seriously untapped resource.

Because what it is, this listing of 100+ wines all in one place, is your cheat sheet of what's hot on the Boston wine scene right now.

We think that's worth showcasing.

So we're building a video archive of our partner stores talking about why their store carries the particular wines they feature in the app.

Those videos are available within the app, of course, and through our website.

But they're also available all together on the Red White Boston YouTube channel.

Each partner store has their own Playlist. One video per wine.

Check them out.

You'll see why, say, the Wine Bottega thinks everyone in Boston should drink more sherry.

Or why Bauer Wine & Spirits spotlights a Cab Franc sparkler that's perfect for a lazy Sunday morning.

Or why Andover Liquors has a thing for 40-year-old vines.

Or why Colonial Spirits thinks sometimes the way to a wine lover's heart is through a beer.

This is just the beginning. More partner stores and their videos are in the pipeline.

Because Boston is FULL of great, great wines.

You just need to know where you find them.


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