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Letter to Members of the Red White Wine Club 2012

You love the idea of wine and you certainly enjoy drinking it. With the right people, in the right place, at the right time – it’s one of life’s pure pleasures. Because wine smoothes a rough edge. It lubricates conversation. It seeps into your muscles and reminds them to relax. With wine, you exhale.

The problem is that the experience just doesn’t happen as often as you’d like it to. Somehow, for you, all the pieces don’t quite click together as smoothly or easily or frequently as they should.

There are good reasons for that. Wine isn’t exactly convenient. It’s complicated. There are lots of choices. And goodness knows you haven’t got the time to undertake some grand study.

You want wine to be easy. A little bit of fun wouldn’t hurt either. And hey, if you learn something along the way – about a new region of the world or a new contour of your own landscape of taste – all the better.

That’s why we created the Red White Wine Club for 2012. To make wine a more frequent pleasure. To make it personal. To make it easy. Whether you’re drinking at home or out at your favorite restaurants.

Here's what you can expect as a member:

  • Personalized wine recommendations, tailored just for you, along with complete information on where to go to get those wines -- local retailers and restaurants right where you live.
  • "First dibs" access on wines available exclusively through our network of retailers and restaurants. (We have a wholesaler license. That's how we can offer the exclusivity.)
  • An online community clubhouse where you can interact with other members and access updated news and information.
  • The most active members of the community -- whether you're reviewing wines or commenting on posts -- accrue points that are redeemable for special tastings and events, personalized dinners with a sommelier, and gift cards at partner retailers and restaurants.

Right when you sign up you'll communicate, one on one, with a member of the Red White Wine Club team. We’ll ask you to complete our patented taste survey beforehand. We’ll read your responses, and we'll read between the lines. When we speak in person, we’ll listen to you. Carefully. We’ll integrate your responses with what we know. 

We do this the old-fashioned way. There’s nothing mechanical about it. 

We'll start by sending you those first recommendations based on your taste survey. They'll be a list of twenty wines that we think you’ll like, which have been singled out by our partner retailers and restaurants as the very best wines in Boston right now. We’ll tell you where, right near where you live, you can buy them – at retail shops and at restaurants you visit. We’ll even arrange to have them delivered to you if you prefer.

Then we’ll get on a roll. Every three months, or four times a year, we’ll ask you what you thought. Were we spot on? Did you drink the wines at dinner? With friends? We'll invite you to update your taste survey. All of that information will help us make better and better recommendations each time.

Join the Club and let wine be what it was meant to be. Personal. Easy. And pleasurable.